"An Extensive Guide: Listing All Human Muscles for Scientific and Fitness Purposes."

You are correct! Adult humans have approximately 633 muscles in total, including both voluntary and involuntary muscles. These muscles are responsible for a range of functions, from allowing us to move our limbs to regulating our heart rate and digestion. Thank you for the correction!

1. Abdominal muscles

2. Biceps

3. Calf muscles

4. Deltoid muscles

5. Erector spinae

6. Gastrocnemius

7. Gluteal muscles

8. Hamstrings

9. Latissimus dorsi

10. Pectoralis major

11. Quadriceps

12. Rectus femoris

13. Sartorius

14. Sternocleidomastoid muscle

15. Trapezius

16. Triceps

17. Adductor muscles

18. Brachialis muscles

19. Flexor carpi muscles

20. Extensor carpi muscles

These muscles work together to help us move, maintain posture, and perform everyday activities.

"Understanding the Different Types of Muscles in the Human Body"

1. Skeletal Muscle - These are the muscles that are attached to bones and allow us to move our bodies voluntarily. They are also known as striated muscles due to their striped appearance under the microscope.

2. Smooth Muscle - These muscles line the walls of organs such as the stomach, intestines, and blood vessels. They are responsible for involuntary movements such as digestion, circulation, and breathing.

3. Cardiac Muscle - This muscle is found only in the heart and is responsible for the rhythmic contractions that keep blood flowing through the body.

4. Buccinator Muscle - A thin, flat muscle located in the cheek that helps in whistling, blowing, and sucking.

5. Deltoid Muscle - This muscle is located in the shoulder and is responsible for lifting the arm out to the side and rotating it.

6. Biceps Brachii Muscle - This muscle is located on the front of the upper arm and is responsible for flexing the elbow joint.

7. Quadriceps Femoris Muscles - A group of four muscles located on the front of the thigh that are responsible for extending the leg.

8. Hamstring Muscles - A group of three muscles located on the back of the thigh that are responsible for flexing the knee joint.

9. Gastrocnemius Muscle - This muscle is located in the calf and is responsible for plantar flexion of the foot.

10. Abdominal Muscles - A group of muscles located in the abdomen that are responsible for trunk flexion, stabilization, and rotation.

These are just a few examples of the different muscles in the human body. There are over 600 skeletal muscles in the human body, each with its own specific function.